
       美中企业发展商会是由一批有志于创新创业的IT、金融、科技、商业等领域的专业人士和业界精英,于2014年发起,2019年 由美国政府批准成立的国际性商会。作为美中两国科技、 信息产业沟通与合作的桥梁,美中企业发展商会本着民主、团结、 共同发展的精神,旨在为希望自主创业的各界青年人士,提供创新创业的平台和渠道, 协助他们解决在创新创业过程中出现的资金、技术、人才、 资讯等各种需求,并在税务、法律和政府沟通方面提供帮助和服务, 以期给社会带来不一样的改变。
  同时,“授人以鱼不如授人以渔”, 为了更好地推动创业人员深入而广泛的交流与合作,促进经济发展、技术创新和产业孵化,实现优势互补、信息互通和资源整合, 商会期待更多美中两国志同道合之士加入, 让更多创业者了解当今科技、互联网、 电子产业等最新潮流和发展趋势,共同创造更多的创业机会和发展空间, 为社会进步和经济繁荣贡献力量。


The US-China Entrepreneurial Development Chamber of Commerce (EDCC) headquartered in New York by a group of innovative leaders in 2014. It is a non-profit organization that develops open communication platform between the U.S. and China companies, organizations and governments. EDCC provides small to medium size companies and young creative individual with the highest quality, confidential business counseling, training and business research at no cost. The EDCC shares experiences and encourages the international cooperation and innovative abilities of our member companies and individual. Our mission: to provide customized solutions and advocacy for Entrepreneurs, Innovators and Small to Medium size companies. The EDCC will continue to steadily grow and to strengthen relationships and bonds among U.S. and China corporation, organizations and governments.