环保工业Environmental Protection
同时,“授人以鱼不如授人以渔”, 为了更好地推动创业人员深入而广泛的交流与合作,促进经济发展、
The US-China Entrepreneurial Development Chamber of Commerce (EDCC) headquartered in New York by a group of innovative leaders in 2014. It is a non-profit organization that develops open communication platform between the U.S. and China companies, organizations and governments. EDCC provides small to medium size companies and young creative individual with the highest quality, confidential business counseling, training and business research at no cost. The EDCC shares experiences and encourages the international cooperation and innovative abilities of our member companies and individual. Our mission: to provide customized solutions and advocacy for Entrepreneurs, Innovators and Small to Medium size companies. The EDCC will continue to steadily grow and to strengthen relationships and bonds among U.S. and China corporation, organizations and governments.